Website RedesignThe website wants to help exporters, students, and administrators learn about exports in Peru. We'll make it easy for them to find and understand information about exports by designing the website to be simple and easy to use.

My Role
As a UX, I played an integral role in the team that executed the redesign of the exportemos.pe website. From the initial research to the final client presentation, I was involved in all stages of the process, including interviews with stakeholders and users, wireframe and prototype creation, ensuring that the proposed solutions met user experience standards.

Design Process
Research Desk & User ResearchKick- off / Benchmark / User Interviews / Stakeholders Interviews / Information Architecture / Content Tree / Workshop / Goal Statement / Brainstorming / Internal Card sorting
UI Design Desk & User ResearchWireframes / Visual Design / Prototype
Testing Desk & Interaction DeskSurvey Insight / User Testing / Product Delivery
User research & insights
The new portal wants to gather and show information in a clear way, especially for experienced exporters. It aims to make PROMPERÚ well-known for supporting Peruvian exporters, organize information for different users, and be ready for future improvements.

Based on the in-depth interviews, user wants ...

Data Prioritization and Visualization
The portal should collect and prioritize data to highlight common interests and be more visual, using images and graphics for easier understanding.

Improved Navigation for Users
Users need better structure and navigation since they prefer other sources and require more specialized data.

Diverse User Needs
Addressing the needs of all user profiles, with a focus on frequent and occasional exporters for growth.

Easy Access
Quick access to events, tariff codes, and tools, with easy location of business rounds and contests.
Information architecture

The Solution

Personalised Recommendations
Based on the in-depth interviews, user wants
Prioritize information
Improved site architecture allows self-service for exporters, providing quick answers. It requires intelligent navigation, easy search, and tailored support.

Support the exporter in their context
It is recommended to create step-by-step tutorials to guide companies according to their export stage.

Be a valuable, useful, and up-to-date reference
Exporters seek other sources due to outdated reports. The portal must provide reliable and useful information to build credibility.

Mockups and Prototypes